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Below are all the pictures that I took at Ken's Wedding.
I want to see them all here and then edit.


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Click on the small pictures to see larger versions of the same.

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Okay, except for this one. This picture is, well...
Sunshine and Elee agreed, we had to stop... stopped just outside of Evansiville when I took this picture.
We like to take a look up. See how God has "painted the world" when we go to participate in important events.
The whole sky was cloudy. But this piece of sky was a bright spot in the middle of all those clouds.

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The pictures taken in Ken's living room...
if you weren't close enough they turned out pretty dark.

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Mom looked very nice.  Looks like she was having a great time.
...and she wore her red suit.  She had a hard time deciding....
Glad she did.

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I did not want to have my picture taken...
I felt like I didn't look very good.
My friend let me down at the last minute...she was going to do my hair. Some friend.)
Anyway...Dee said they wanted
to do the "Olson thing" so I went along with it.

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First one is the "parents picture."  Second is Dee and her family.
The third is Uncle Len, Aunt June and Aunt Grace.
Been a long time since I've seen any of them.

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First one is Ken and his little girl, Morgan (by Jane),
Second is Sunshine and Elee-Jo with Ken.
The third is my baby sister and her husband, 'Snoop' and Pattie.
I don't even know Snoop's real name.
Pattie is the youngest of all ten.
This one was taken at the side of the living room.

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"Wake me up when it's all over..."teehee...

Caught the best man in a funny pose... o well... says loads though. He really helped out a lot at the reception.
The next two pictures are of the three siblings and their spouses that got married in October.
Don't know Pattie's anniversary, but Dee and Keith's is October 20th. Boy is Keith the tall one.

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First picture is Aunt June, Uncle Len and Aunt Grace.
The second is MY "Godmother!" Aunt Mary, and her daughter
my cousin Penny. Boy has it been a long, long time. Was so good to see her.
I sure hope we can keep in touch.

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Ken and me.

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Saved the best one for last...  Condradulations
...and may your journey together be on a smooth road with no U turns,
tangled construction or potholes...



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This is the extent of the pictures taken by me, or with my camera
at Ken's house before we left for the reception.

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The Reception
This Page ---"under construction."


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